Monday, January 16, 2012

What’s the real harm?

As of today marijuana is still illegal. There are a few states in the United States that have ideas of making medicinal marijuana legal. These ideas are still underway and have a while to go. California is the first state to have medicinal marijuana legal in some parts. These people that can get the medicinal marijuana are people that have serious injuries that are still unhealed and other various pains as well can receive medicinal marijuana. Since the marijuana prohibition more studies have been done on the drug showing that the only harm is causes is that to the lungs from smoking. In fact the medical uses are astronomical and more states are opting to allow medical marijuana. Many people need the drug to survive some even die from their medical problem if they do not smoke it.
Many people today, even though marijuana is illegal, still smoke marijuana. Our county has left the ideals of “Reefer Madness” in the past, and no longer view marijuana as something that does much harm or something that should be an illegal drug. Many don’t even see it as a drug. From all the newly studies that have taken place, it is known that marijuana does not cause people to go crazy to the point of them killing people. It is also known that it doesn’t make you insane for the rest of your life. The recent studies have proved that marijuana does make it harder for people to focus and makes the brain work slower. It is not a good idea for children and teens that are in school to use this drug because it also pushes kids to lack on the amount of caring they do about their grades. Marijuana is also considered the “gate-way” drug, meaning this drug is where most people start but isn’t where they stop. They continue to explore the world of drugs and try other types of more dangerous drugs. These other drugs are most addicting and serious. After only trying them once they might be permanently addicted to them and from their they are a downward spiral. This isn’t fact that everyone that has smoked marijuana will end up this way, but its a possible and common route that some people take until they hit rehab and commit themselves to getting better.
On average about 30% of tenth graders have tried smoking marijuana. Smoking marijuana has become almost as popular as under aged drinking, it is in fact easier for kids to smoke then it is for them to drink because the product is readily available. Also when drinking there is a certain age required in order to purchase it so if a kid that was younger then that wanted alcohol they would have to find someone to agree to buy it. Since marijuana is illegal to all, when buying it people do not care what age you are. That means it cuts out the middle man and makes it easier.
Presently, many view smoking marijuana as an anxiety relaxer. This is a big reason many smoke it and continuously smoke it. Life has many stressful time periods and many worries. When people hit these time periods they turn to smoking cheap and easy to help them out. Marijuana has become very easy to find and get. Almost everyone knows someone that has marijuana for sale or they know someone that knows someone and with cellphones today it is really easy to send, text and call numbers to find just what someone is looking for.  
Marijuana has become throughout history in the underground drug system. When buying, smoking and talking about marijuana the official name hardly ever used. The amount of slang names for the plant have increased these names vary from anything like pot, weed, tree, kush, ganja and the list goes on. People that smoke marijuana know most of these names and will switch between them when referring to marijuana.
So, what exactly is the harm of this drug? There isn’t any long term effects and it doesn’t have any addiction to it. Many would agree that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are worse for the body then simply picking up a joint of marijuana and smoking it. From that one joint there will be a few hours of temporary hallucination of fun and possibly extreme craving of food.

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