Monday, January 16, 2012

August 30, 1930 (Washington D.C.)

Harry J. Anslinger, Our Hero.

It seems at last someone has come to answer the fears gripping our nation. In reaction to the desperate fear over this new deadly and mind altering drug that as been sweeping the United States people, marijuana; a new bureau has been created called by the U.S. Treasury Department, the bureau is called the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN). The FBN was created last June 14, 1930. Now though the head of this office is Harry J. Anslinger. Marijuana is killing our nation, driving people insane, and making teenagers its helpless victims.
In response to this horrible drug and other drugs that our plaguing our nation Anslinger has started an epic battle against marijuana. His stance is as quoted, “Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.” His Public Service Announcements are helping keep teens off this drug and repel the jazz singers and other minorities from luring innocent Americans into the embrace of marijuana. Anslinger is going to be the hero our country needs by cracking down on these drug dealers and teaching the nation about this deadly drug. He has created his own files called the Gore Files. In these files news pages and papers are compiled over gruesome and horrible deaths, murders, and even rape that has occurred while the person was high on marijuana.
When the attacks from Mexican drug addicts surfaced, the country barley cared this new drug only effected the south states and even then the drug was only being used by minorities. Few thought that the drug would become this big and affect our nation this much. We didn’t think that the children would be using the drug and the effects seemed to be less drastic then now. Harry J. Anslinger says, “There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.” Not only are drug dealers and peers pressuring people into taking this drug but entertainers are using this drug and by using the drug they support the drug. Anslinger is going to put the beat down on Marijuana.
The bureau also deals with heroin and opium of which sales have been growing as the country tries new drugs to escape from how the world is turning out, but even these are not as deadly as marijuana. The force is not as much on other drugs as it is on Marijuana. With all these drugs really becoming popular it is about time we had the Federal Bureau of Narcotics but even more important to have Harry J. Anslinger as our superhero drug fighter. This prohibition will help the nation. Just like with the prohibition of alcohol there will be those who will try and keep this illegal, dangerous substance on the streets and keep the people addicted. Harry Is determined not to let this happen. He and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics are attacking even the smallest drug use because any type of contact with this drug is bad. They are busting marijuana sellers and dealers. Even if you are just smoking the drug you will become arrested. So with all these horrible out comes the question becomes, what is the point of doing this drug? To become addicted? To go insane? To be raped? To go to Jail? Marijuana is not worth it and with Harry J. Anslinger, the hope that this drug can disappear from the United States and no longer find its way into innocent peoples hands, then we really do have a bright future as a country.

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