Monday, January 16, 2012

Mexican Weed Of Madness

The Mexicans are here now in our country. As of April 1910, these dirty Mexicans have brought the drug of marijuana into the country. The Mexicans are responsible for this drug that makes people act crazy. We do not want nor need this in our country. Why are so many of them coming into the United States? This drug can cause you to see things and act in ways that may endanger another person.

Recently reported one Mexican man smoked some marijuana and went crazy, like seriously crazy. He started running around and killed a police officer and then seriously injured three other random men, for no reason. The marijuana got into his mind and caused it. Marijuana is dangerous. This can happen to anyone. Anyone could go that crazy, any one's mind can be taken over by marijuana.

The worries and concerns are rising, as more and more Mexicans come into the country. These people who are bringing it in are crazy people that are strongly advertising the pros of marijuana as they smoke it. These are the people that are receiving all the American jobs. The jobs in this country are made for loyal citizens that respect and want to continue making the country better. With the Mexicans taking all the jobs it leaves the rest of us out of jobs and looking for a new way to support families.
This drug is being brought into our countries. Our children are being peer pressured into taking this homicidal and insane drug. Things need to change; the drug needs to be taken care of before our whole country is addicted or dead because of the side effects of reefers. If we can’t keep the whole county off the drug how will we convince our impressionable younger generation that by smoking this cigarette type drug they are letting go of themselves and letting the drug take over. They could go just as mad as these Mexicans are and murder someone they love.
Boiling the seeds of a marijuana plant and using it to make tea is said to make one crazy for the rest of their life. Many of these people view this as something cool to do but that isn’t a chance someone should want to take nor is it something we want to fill our country with.
Marijuana looks like a cigarette but is deadly. When the drug is taken the user will loose control of their body and mind. Their whole personality will change; the drug user will think they are someone or something else. From recent reports done by the Palm Beach Post, people who have taken the drug many end up killing people close to them or just random people because this drug causes fits of intense rage. Other reports show that many people get this feeling that they are invincible and no what they are almighty to the point they could even fly. This has caused people on the drug to have self-injuries. When these injuries take place the drug is so relaxing that most does not feel the pain of the injuries. This isn’t a good thing. One could continue to do destructive things oneself without realizing it, which could cause serious and even fatal injuries to the body.
When this drug starts to wear off the pain then hits so hard to a point where one cannot stand it. This will cause one to crave more marijuana to smoke to not feel the pain or the pain will make them crazy. The cycle repeats over and over and once stuck in the cycle getting out of the cycle isn’t possible. One’s life will have already been taken over by marijuana.
What has our country come to? Is our country going to turn into a place full of crazy marijuana smokers with the spontaneous actions of possibly killing? This country will lose everything we have worked so hard to build up since the Revolutionary War. Something needs to be done about this; something needs to forbid these actions for the love of the country.

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